Tips When Installing A Stone Kitchen Benchtop

When remodelling, one of the most important items in a new kitchen is the benchtop. Not only does it bear the brunt of constant food preparation, but the counter provides the perfect opportunity to embellish the kitchen decor with a stunning material. For both practical and aesthetic reasons, natural stone makes an excellent choice. Read on for several tips when installing this material.

Consider The Wide Range Of Options

Don't settle too quickly without exploring the possibilities when picking your counter. Natural stone comes in virtually every colour of the rainbow including pinks, peaches, yellows, greens, blacks and whites. This broad palette will provide numerous design options. For instance, you could contrast a glossy black marble counter against a rich-blue tiled splashback and light grey cabinetry. Or what about a warm caramel granite in an otherwise all-white kitchen? Other stone hues include greenish limestone or dark-grey slate if you want something different. 

Use As The Basis For The Kitchen Colour Palette

Not only does natural stone come in a variety of hues, but each slab shows natural variation within. If you're redesigning the kitchen and trying to work out the overall palette, you can use this variety as the basis to work out the entire colour scheme. For instance, the swirls and patterns within a piece of limestone might display a combination of fawn, cream, pink and soft grey.  You might, therefore, cover the cupboards in a subtle grey and paint the walls in a pinkish-toned cream. A timber floor could pick up on the browns in the stone: a darker shade will add contrast. 

Follow Recommendations For Care And Maintenance

Stone countertops are incredibly durable and long-lasting and should grace your kitchen for decades. But make sure to follow recommendations regarding care and maintenance. Some species, such as marble and travertine, are sensitive to acidic substances like wine, lemon juice and tomatoes, which can stain and etch the surface. Thus, it's essential to clean up spills promptly. Soapstone and granite are hardy options, being heat- and scratch-resistant. However, to prevent the odd instance of damage, it's best to protect them with trivets and cutting boards. All stone varieties need resealing to greater and lesser degrees except for soapstone, which is extremely tough. 

Stone kitchen benchtops add both functionality and beauty to a remodel. Not only will they normally last for decades with proper care, but they're available in a vast array of colours and patterns to make remodelling easier and more fun.

About Me

Redesigning the Rooms in Your Home

Hello, my name is Damian and this blog is full of useful tips that I picked up when I was redesigning the rooms in my home. I recently moved into a new home and I really didn't like the decor. I tried to remodel it myself but I made a bit of a mess. Finally, my wife talked me into calling in a professional team of remodelling contractors who consulted with us before doing a perfect job. I now love the way my home looks. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to remodel their homes. I hope you enjoy it.



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