What You Need to Know About Tile Renovation

Most of the time, the rooms that have tiles in your home are usually the kitchen and bathroom. You might even notice that when you are looking for tile renovation companies, you mostly come across tile renovators for your bathroom and kitchen. This does not mean you can't have tiles in other rooms.

You might want to renovate tiles if the design looks outdated or the tiles look worn-out. Worn-out tiles are those that have lost colour or are chipped, cracked or broken. Here are some important things you should know about tile renovation:

Get a Designer Involved

Some tile renovation projects can be quite expensive, and you do not want to go wrong. A designer helps bring your ideas to reality by using his or her skills and expertise. He or she eliminates room for error. For example, you might want to have a bright or spacious-looking kitchen or bathroom. The designer might inform you that using smaller tiles and brighter colours will get you the results you need. If you don't use a designer, you might not know such things and end up choosing the wrong tiles, which give you undesired results. You should share your needs with the designer so that he or she can give you effective advice.


Even though you might have a particular budget for the tile renovation project, you should know that some of the tiles you require might be expensive. Don't be forced to choose tiles you don't want because of the price. It is, therefore, important to talk to both a designer and tile renovation company before setting a budget for the renovation project. You want to get a good approximation of the tile price and project fees to help you start saving.

Other Changes

Sometimes, with a change in tiles, especially wall tiles, you might require some other changes like additional lighting, installation of towel holders, installation of mirrors, etc. Ensure that the company you choose can offer these other services as they install the new tiles.


Once you have your new tiles installed, you must find out how to maintain them. This includes the dos and don'ts. Know what cleaning agents you should use and which ones you shouldn't. Some cleaning agents can corrode or discolour the tiles. You can get this information from the tile renovation company or the manufacturer of the tiles. Even though the tile renovation company will inform you of the dos and don'ts, ensure you read what the manufacturer of the tiles states. You never know if they left out something important.

About Me

Redesigning the Rooms in Your Home

Hello, my name is Damian and this blog is full of useful tips that I picked up when I was redesigning the rooms in my home. I recently moved into a new home and I really didn't like the decor. I tried to remodel it myself but I made a bit of a mess. Finally, my wife talked me into calling in a professional team of remodelling contractors who consulted with us before doing a perfect job. I now love the way my home looks. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to remodel their homes. I hope you enjoy it.



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