Space Enhancing Ideas for a Kitchen Remodel

When some people think of small kitchens, they tend to conjure up visions of non-existent counter space, high volumes of clutter and more. Although having a small kitchen may hinder your cooking experience, this does not mean that you have to accept the situation as it is. There are a number of design tricks that you could use to make your small kitchen functional and appealing. So what are some of the space enhancing ideas that you could use when remodelling your kitchen?

Tip 1: Switch to a neutral colour palette

Bold colours may inject some character in your kitchen, but you have to bear in mind that it could have a different effect in a small kitchen. Loud colours and striking patterns tend to make small kitchens appear smaller as they cause the room seem busy aesthetically. If you would like to make your space appear large, you should switch to neutral colour palettes that would assist in making the kitchen appear clean and minimalist. Moreover, opt for glossy paint finishes that will help in making the kitchen look brighter by reflecting the light in the room. Lastly, opt for splashbacks that are made from glass or mirrors, as these will create the illusion of additional space in the kitchen.

Tip 2: Get rid of unnecessary fixtures

Accessories such as knobs may seem too small to have an overall effect on your kitchen design, but in reality, they can end up making your kitchen appear unnecessarily cluttered. This effect is particularly the case in small kitchens because the storage solutions are tightly knit together. Instead of having knobs on your drawers, cabinetry and cupboards, opt for handle-less options that slide open and closed.

Tip 3: Install shelving

A major complaint that homeowners have when it comes to small kitchens is limited benchtop space as their appliances, for example, kettles, microwaves and toasters, tend to take up a lot of room. Nevertheless, not many people would like to keep their appliances out of sight in cupboards, especially if they use these devices on a regular basis. Instead of hiding your appliances, you should install shelving in your kitchen. Firstly, the shelving will ensure that you are making the most of the negative space that is typically neglected on your kitchen walls. Secondly, the shelves also enable you to display your high-end appliances, which would contribute to the aesthetics of the kitchen. You may also want to consider upgrading your older appliances for smaller, contemporary versions that take up less room.

About Me

Redesigning the Rooms in Your Home

Hello, my name is Damian and this blog is full of useful tips that I picked up when I was redesigning the rooms in my home. I recently moved into a new home and I really didn't like the decor. I tried to remodel it myself but I made a bit of a mess. Finally, my wife talked me into calling in a professional team of remodelling contractors who consulted with us before doing a perfect job. I now love the way my home looks. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to remodel their homes. I hope you enjoy it.



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